The following is a bit heavy handed, more than a bit dramatic, and a little bit of a departure (hopefully temporarily) from my typical blog posts. I wanted to make sure I could spread this around to as wide an audience as possible. I appreciate your attention. As they say, “desperate times…”
On May 7th, 2019, Eddie Kramer would have turned 6. He would be wrapping up his Kindergarten year of elementary school. It is hard to believe that it has been four and half years since he died. It was at that time when I learned about FIDO of Natick and their efforts to build a dog park in town.
When Eddie died, I (like many people), was wondering how we could help or support the Kramer family. They told people that because Eddie loved dogs so much, the best thing we could do was donate to FIDO and help get the dog park built. The good people at FIDO had already been working on it for a while and needed to raise $25,000 in order to get access to grant money that would pay for the difference needed to build the dog park.
Within days, members of our community and beyond made donations and helped FIDO raise $50,000. This effort kicked off the next phases of planning. It also brought out a small number of people who were opposed to the park and the location that was chosen. Even though boards and committees in Natick were supportive, these types of processes can take a long time. Thanks to questions raised by the people opposed, many of whom are abutters, much information has come out to support not only that the chosen location is sound from an environmental perspective, but also that our community is very interested in having the dog park, now.
Finally, hurdles were jumped, i’s were dotted, and t’s were crossed. The project was put out to bid and bids have now been received. Because this process has taken so long, the costs of goods and labor have gone up significantly and we are now in a position where the original money raised combined with the grant money is no longer enough to cover the cost of the park.
We are asking for your help. In order for the town to sign off on the construction, there has to be enough money in the bank. We have limited time before the bids expire and inevitably, the price goes up again. In order to close the gap, we need to raise at least another $25,000.
It has been four and a half years since Eddie died.
If all goes well, soon, construction will start on the dog park that will hopefully be named in honor of Eddie.
It is not likely that it can happen without help. We have a chance, as a community, both within Natick and beyond, to honor Eddie and his family; to help build Eddie’s legacy.
If you are willing, please click the link below and donate however much money you can. Every dollar counts.