High School Julianna

Today Julianna turns 14. Oh wait, I’m sorry. Today, High School Julianna turns 14. She’s not even in High School yet but has recently taken to referring to herself, not only in the 3rd person, but with the “High School” qualifier. “High School Julianna is going to get to keep her phone in her bedroom

Lucky Day

Today Chloe turns 9. A few months ago, I wrote a post largely about Chloe’s most recent evolution, including some of the challenges she has faced this year and some of her achievements and accomplishments. These birthday posts are generally reserved for a year-in-review type of thing unless it happens to be your 10th birthday.

The Force Awakens

Today Chloe turns 8. It has been quite a year for her; for all of us really.  Last year, on this day, I wrote about how we had brought home 2 new members of the family: Willy and Charlie (kittens).  Just over 3 months later, Willy died.  He had a rare kitten disease that was

Independence Day

Today Chloe turns 6. Hard to believe another year has passed.  Last year I wrote about how Chloe had essentially started to come out of her shell.  I think its safe to say that she obliterated that shell this year. “Mommy, what do I need to do, right now, to make sure I don’t have a


Today Julianna turned 7. Less than 48 hours ago, I was living vicariously through my friend Corey as he was literally hours away from going to the hospital with his wife to meet their 1st child.  I found myself easily reliving the emotions associated with the anticipation of the “about to meet my kid” situation. 

The Death Situation

“Daddy, what’s the situation with death?” Not long ago, I wrote about my Great Aunt Charlotte passing away.  That event has inspired all sorts of interesting and reasonably difficult conversations over the last few months with Julianna.  For this post, and for the record, Chloe is not particularly interested in these matters yet which is

Phase 2

Today Julianna turned 6. I’m not positive but I think I need to start thinking about her as a big girl now.  This morning when she woke up, my wife and I went in to give her obnoxious birthday attention that feels “this” close to warranting eye-rolls.  I sort of picked her up and held

The Human Condition

The human condition encompasses the unique features of being human. It can be described as the irreducible part of humanity that is inherent and not dependent on factors such as gender, race or class. – Wikipedia It is an odd thing recently.  When I first became a parent I found it a little puzzling; this