
Today Julianna turned 10. In previous years, I’ve written a summary of Julianna’s year; about her achievements. If you’re interested in her progress, you can read about it here, here, here, or here. This year, I thought I might do something a little bit different. To celebrate the single greatest achievement a 9 year old

The Force Awakens

Today Chloe turns 8. It has been quite a year for her; for all of us really.  Last year, on this day, I wrote about how we had brought home 2 new members of the family: Willy and Charlie (kittens).  Just over 3 months later, Willy died.  He had a rare kitten disease that was

Saving Up

Today Julianna turned 9. Quite a year huh? I’ve been writing these birthday blog posts for a bunch of years for each girl.  I’ve always found that its a nice way to reflect on the year as it relates to each girl; to think about the struggles they’ve encountered, the victories they’ve achieved, and the


I’d feel remiss if I didn’t mark today in someway and how it affects my daughters. Yesterday morning (November 8, 2016), the first thing Chloe asked was if Hillary had won.  She knew it was election day.  I explained that while Mommy and I had already voted, most people were going to vote today and

Packing for Camp

Three and a half weeks. In three and a half weeks we will drop Julianna off at overnight camp.  As an avid reader of this blog, you might remember a post I wrote 2 years ago about her first day at day camp.  That day went well. The day camp experience is very different than

That Flu By

Today Julianna turned 8. Yesterday she got the flu for the first time in her life so this isn’t the most exciting birthday she’s ever had.  I suppose your actual birthday is just a checkpoint on the road so, whatever, its just a day; a day that marks the end of a great year and