We joke frequently with our girls about boyfriends. We do this because its cute and funny and because both girls seem to talk about the boys they know more than the girls they know (bad sign #1). Now, I know we probably shouldn’t focus on that sort of relationship with them. As Julianna approaches 3
This Post Stinks
My mother isn’t going to like this post one bit. I’ve recently started wondering about when people “learn” to differentiate between good smells and bad ones. I feel like I am pretty in touch with my sense of smell and I suspect you are too. I can tell you who isn’t: my daughters. I want
Pushing Buttons
I’m a pretty even-keeled, mild-mannered type of person. It takes quite a lot to get me going. In fact, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve lost my temper in my life and when I think back to those times, it gives me the feeling inside like the feeling you get when
Zero One Infinity
I’m a nerd by trade. I’m proud of it. As a fun exercise, I put together a quick website at http://www.threeimportantnumbers.com. This sort of came from a long running “conversation” with a former co-worker about the only 3 important numbers in software engineering. Those 3 numbers are 0, 1, and infinity. The reasoning in short
Shadow Routines
My wife and I usually split bedtime duties. We each take 1 daughter and handle their respective routines. Both girls have their things that they like to do and it turns out they both do their best to manipulate us differently. Sometimes, when my wife and I recap, I’ll tell her about some of the
Hold Your Breath
Over the last few nights, my younger daughter Chloe has been doing this odd thing, once a night. A little background first: A while ago, I wrote about how different my daughters are. One of the big differences is the way they sleep. I could literally remodel Julianna’s room while she’s sleeping and she’d be
Hypocrites and Liars
Do as I say, not as I do. Do as I do, not as I say. Do not do what I say, just do what you do. Do what I say, and as I do, but only when I say so. Set the example. Eat your peas. Be a good person. Always tell the truth.
Turn and Cough
Sleeping on the floor of Chloe’s room from 4:30am until 7:30am with her asleep on top of me periodically coughing into my ear isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be. ‘Tis the season. We are on our 16th round of colds this season already and Winter doesn’t even start until next week.
Swiper! No swiping…please!?
I hate Dora the Explorer. My daughters seem to like her and there are a few redeeming qualities. I like the exposure to Spanish. I like that she’s adventurous. I like that she’s nice to her friends and works well in a team. But… That show and books aren’t very realistic. First of all, the
Rumble In The Playground
When my wife picked up Julianna at school recently, she was given an “incident report”. That’s never good. Turns out that another kid came up to her while they were on the playground and started scratching her in the face. Apparently her fingernails weren’t trimmed and she managed to inflict some damage to my daughter’s