Thanks For Giving

Thanks for giving me the balled up piece of toilet paper…right after you wiped.

Thanks for giving me that booger fresh out of your nose.

Thanks for giving me this cold that won’t go away.

Thanks for giving me that mostly-chewed piece of chicken straight from your mouth.

Thanks for giving me that fart blast in the face right as I was changing your diaper.

Thanks for giving me that knee in my groin.

Thanks for giving me that book to read for the 1000th time.

Thanks for giving me the choice of what dessert YOU are going to have.

Thanks for giving me that sneeze spray in my open mouth.

Thanks for giving me a hilarious story when you told your music teacher your mother had a hairy bottom.

Thanks for giving me a hug when I see you first thing in the morning.

Thanks for giving me the those laughs after all my stupid jokes.

Thanks for giving me that puzzle piece so we can play together.

Thanks for giving me laughs every day with your outrageous antics and oddly thoughtful quotes.

Thanks for giving me so many things to be thankful for.

Thanks, forgiving me all my parenting mistakes.

Thank for giving,
